tirsdag 3. februar 2009

Legal drinking ages in different countries

In most countries the legal drinking age is 18, but many also have other restrictions, for example Norway where you have to be 20 years old to buy any alcoholic beverage above 22 %. In Denmark however you have to be 16 to buy any alcoholic beverage above 1.2 %. The strictest legal drinking age in the world is found in USA where you have to be 21 years old to drink any type of alcholic beverage, but in the rest of the worls the age limit ranges from around 16-18 years of age. In Italy 16 is the legal age of drinking. Most of the nordic countries have 18 as their age limit, except Denmark.

Even though the age limit is very different from Italy and Norway we do not believe that youth drink less alchol in Norway than any other european country. Most youth start drinking at the age of 15, but there's many starting earlier. Even though purchasing alcohol is forbidden in Norway youth has no problem providing alcohol, it just takes a little more planning.

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